Friday, November 27, 2009

It's a Craft Day Miracle!

Today is the day after Thanksgiving. In my family, this is known as Craft Day (not Black Friday). On this special day, we have created many amazing and lovely and wacky crafty things over the past several years, but this year, my "visionary" niece Kate came up with a proposal that we simply could not refuse.

So, I give you.... (drum roll, by Emily, please....)


Kate found the iNsTrUcTiOnS (from an ancient tome of the 1970s) and brought the tissue paper and glue, her ambitious cousin Emily got on board this crazy train from the beginning as Katie's supportive craft partner, my son Jacob jumped in once he could see there was paper and gluing involved (although he claims it was because this project was better than watching other people play video games). Uncle Monkey and Aunt Carol were slightly skeptical, but still got on board in the early stages, particularly since the InStRuCtIoNs called for the air to be poured in due to a "reversal of a vacuum cleaner" technique, and that is what is known as A Perfect Craft Day Crazy Factor. (Side note: We ended up using two hair dryers to provide the heat on the chilly day. Blew the fuses on two of three liftoffs we achieved!) Special acknowledgment goes to my sister Sue who birthed Kate, the visionary dreamchild.

The rest of the crew filled the all-important roles of last-minute helpers and cheerleaders and photographers and pole holders and laughers. And a tip of our hat to Dad/Grampa Irv because he was with us in spirit the whole time!

We laughed, we cried, it became a part of us! All I can say is... I love my crazy family!

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